Employee & Family Resources

EFR (Employees and Family Resources) specializes in the prevention, intervention, and treatment of substance use disorders and behavioral health issues. The client wanted to redesign a corporate website of a non-profit organization that helps people manage life’s challenges to reach their full potential.

Key Points
Team:Business Analyst 1, WordPress developer 2, Designer 1, QA 1, Project Manager 1
Technologies:CMS WordPress, HTML, CSS, JS
Duration:3 months
The customer’s objective was to make a user-friendly site that will navigate the user to find all kinds of available social help in one place. According to the requirements, the task faced several challenges:
- to update the outdated design
- to optimize the website performance
- to simplify the website navigation
- to improve the UI/UX design of the website
- to increase the bounce rate for the home page and for main pages

Our developers streamlined the development process by selecting the most relevant technologies:
- The UI and UX of the website match all the customer’s requirements
- All the pages were designed using WordPress with minimum plugins
- Services pages were upgraded with an additional menu
- Get a quote section, and registration for webinars functions was added